This is an extremely enchanting, magical book. Digory and Polly, best friends, start the adventure by exploring a strange empty tunnel in Polly's basement. And it leads to every house on the block! Finding this out, they then want to go through the tunnel into a empty forgotten house. But, by miscounting how many houses away it was... they find themselves in a very sticky situation. They ended up in Digory's house! "Well," you say "'that doesn't seem so bad." But wait--there's more. Both of them wind up in Uncle Andrew's (that's Digory's uncle) study room and didn't expect to find that he was in it! What will happen? Will they ever see day light again? Or will they find themselves embarking on a whole new magical journey? Find out by reading: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician's Nephew.
Reviewed by: 'ReadItAll' Ilona
Rating: 8 out of 10
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